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How A Cybersecurity Audit Can Reveal Your Cyber Readiness

Written by Foster Charles | Feb 23, 2023 1:28:41 PM

When was the last time you had a cybersecurity audit? If it takes you more than a few seconds to think back, odds are it’s been too long. As your business becomes more reliant on technology to manage day-to-day operations, assessing your cyber readiness should be at the top of your priority list.  

Understanding the basics of cybersecurity audits, the benefits, and how an audit can reveal your cyber readiness is important to take a proactive approach to security.  

What is a Cybersecurity Audit?  

A cybersecurity audit evaluates the security of your company’s information through comparison to certain standards. Many cybersecurity audits analyze the configuration, software, processing procedures, and user practices in your organization. These audits can be tailored to the needs of your business. For example, using a compliance audit if you are having issues with internal controls or a risk assessment audit if you are concerned about external threats.  

As your business begins to grow and place more reliance on technology, you won’t be able to effectively catch every security risk or closely monitor user practices. This is when a cybersecurity audit and vCISO support can be beneficial to ensure your business is promoting security compliance through a proactive approach to cyber risk assessment.  

What are the Benefits of Conducting a Cybersecurity Audit?  

Conducting a cybersecurity audit comes with hidden benefits that you might not have considered. First, it helps your business determine how deep the water is or how much really needs to be fixed related to cybersecurity. Your system could have gaps and weaknesses that go undetected without a cybersecurity audit. Uncovering these issues allows you to create a game plan and tackle the issues head-on.  

Additionally, cybersecurity audits increase customer confidence. Would a customer rather buy from a business that is prone to cyber hacks or one that prioritizes their sensitive information? Probably the latter. Customers want peace of mind that when they purchase from your business, their card, name, and address won’t be easily accessible by a hacker across the globe.  

Building a reputation as a business that people can trust leads to more sales and promotes brand recognition among current and prospective customers. If you are trying to grow your business, a cybersecurity audit has indispensable value.  

How a Cybersecurity Audit Reveals Your Cyber Readiness 

Cybersecurity audits extend beyond just risk reduction and customer trust. In fact, a cybersecurity audit reveals your cyber readiness. How easily can your business thwart an attack? If it only takes hackers five minutes to access your system, you have some serious problems. With a cybersecurity audit, you can determine how prepared your business is when it comes to breaches and security threats.  

Even the largest companies can still face cyber-attacks. One example of this is Target. In 2013, they had a breach that affected 41 million consumers, resulting in a legal bill of $18.5 million. Although you might not be operating at this scale, it remains equally important to complete regular cybersecurity audits to assess cyber readiness.  


Whether you are concerned about where weaknesses in your system may be hiding or want additional peace of mind, a cybersecurity audit and vCISO support may be the solution. To go over how Charles IT can help, schedule a call today