The Charles IT Blog

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Methods to prevent breaches on employees’ devices

Methods to prevent breaches on employees’ devices

November, 2019 | Foster Charles

While data breaches are known to be caused by cybercriminals who deliberately attempt to break into a system, we actually have human error to thank. In fact, employee negligence brought about by [...]

How cybersecurity assessments save your business money

How cybersecurity assessments save your business money

November, 2019 | Foster Charles

In most organizations, cybersecurity is perceived as a concern of the IT department alone. Unfortunately, small businesses rarely have a dedicated security team. Instead, businesses often set and [...]

The worst data breaches in history

The worst data breaches in history

October, 2019 | Foster Charles

Though many businesses have reached a point of desensitization when it comes to news about data breaches, stricter implementation of data regulations highlights the importance of protecting user [...]

Hartford businesses need layers of cybersecurity solutions to stay safe

Hartford businesses need layers of cybersecurity solutions to stay safe

October, 2019 | Foster Charles

The media is always quick to highlight devastating data breaches when they hit big companies, but smaller organizations aren’t spared and are often considered the best targets. Sadly, small [...]

9 tips to prevent employee-induced security breaches.

9 tips to prevent employee-induced security breaches.

October, 2019 | Foster Charles

Your business can invest all the funds on the latest cybersecurity technology like firewalls and threat detection tools, but there will always be one security risk that can't be blocked from entering [...]

Best practices in password management

Best practices in password management

October, 2019 | Foster Charles

Passwords will always be relevant. Think of them as virtual keys to your home online. Hackers have tens of thousands of generic or popular keys on hand for launching brute force attacks, so using [...]

Pulling the welcome mat out from under hackers: 5 biggest benefits of penetration testing

Pulling the welcome mat out from under hackers: 5 biggest benefits of penetration testing

July, 2019 | Foster Charles

You have to hand it to hackers. Every day, they seem to get smarter and more adept at infiltrating business networks.

How to Foil Cybervillains: A Capsule Summary of Cybersecurity Assessments

How to Foil Cybervillains: A Capsule Summary of Cybersecurity Assessments

June, 2019 | Foster Charles

What are the leading types of cybersecurity assessments? And why do they matter?

Learn these top six cybersecurity mistakes - and how to stop making them.

Learn these top six cybersecurity mistakes - and how to stop making them.

June, 2019 | Foster Charles

Maybe it’s the faceless nature of cybercrime that has countless companies back on their heels. Perhaps executives con themselves into believing that their cybersecurity is just fine, thank you. [...]

How to build a data-breach recovery plan

How to build a data-breach recovery plan

May, 2019 | Foster Charles

Target. Home Depot. LinkedIn. Neiman Marcus.

Most tech consulting starts with “Press 1”

We just like to start with “Hello.”