The Charles IT Blog

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5 Reasons To Include A CMMC Assessment In Your IT Department Budget

5 Reasons To Include A CMMC Assessment In Your IT Department Budget

November, 2020 | Foster Charles

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is a unified standard for implementing and standardizing information security controls across the enormous Defense Industrial Base. Every company [...]

Why Security Awareness Training Should Be in Your IT Budget for 2021

Why Security Awareness Training Should Be in Your IT Budget for 2021

November, 2020 | Foster Charles

Many people still think of cybersecurity as being a technical problem and the sole responsibility of the IT department. But the truth is, cybercriminals aren’t always the skilled hackers like those [...]

Why you need to budget for IT security tools for your business

Why you need to budget for IT security tools for your business

November, 2020 | Foster Charles

Global spending on cybersecurity products and services has been increasing for years, to the point where it has become a $124 billion global industry. Moreover, many IT security leaders expect their [...]

Should Your Company Be Preparing for CMMC Compliance?

Should Your Company Be Preparing for CMMC Compliance?

October, 2020 | Foster Charles

For many contractors working for the Department of Defense (DoD), the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is nothing more than just another headache. Adopting a new set of cybersecurity [...]

The CMMC Timeline for Meeting Requirements and Roadmap for RFPs

The CMMC Timeline for Meeting Requirements and Roadmap for RFPs

October, 2020 | Foster Charles

In an effort to increase the resilience of its enormous supply chain, the Department of Defense has mandated that all contractors and subcontractors meet the CMMC requirements by 2026. However, the [...]

Why You Need Continuous Vulnerability Scanning to Uphold CMMC Compliance

Why You Need Continuous Vulnerability Scanning to Uphold CMMC Compliance

October, 2020 | Foster Charles

With over 300,000 defense contractors, the DoD has one of the biggest supply chains in the world. The Defense Industrial Base (DIB) is constantly exposed to a wide variety of threats, including state [...]

Why Encryption Is So Vital to the DoD CMMC Compliance Framework

Why Encryption Is So Vital to the DoD CMMC Compliance Framework

October, 2020 | Foster Charles

Encryption is one of the most important features of the DoD CMMC framework, as well as any healthy cybersecurity posture. Every organization should deploy encryption across all systems which store, [...]

Security Awareness Training: A Must for DoD CMMC Compliance

Security Awareness Training: A Must for DoD CMMC Compliance

October, 2020 | Foster Charles

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) is a cohesive cybersecurity standard based on various security frameworks, including NIST SP 800-171 and the International Organization of [...]

CMMC Application Deadline Readiness Checklist: What You Need Completed Now

CMMC Application Deadline Readiness Checklist: What You Need Completed Now

October, 2020 | Foster Charles

Cyberattacks pose a serious threat to national security, and defense contractors should start preparing now for the new wave of legislation being introduced to guard against those threats. With CMMC [...]

How Your Business Can Prepare for DoD CMMC Certification by 2021

How Your Business Can Prepare for DoD CMMC Certification by 2021

October, 2020 | Foster Charles

The Department of Defense (DoD) is expecting all companies working in its industrial base to comply with the requirements of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Version 1.0 by next [...]

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