The Charles IT Blog

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Connecticut's Manufacturing Future in 2024

Connecticut's Manufacturing Future in 2024

September, 2024 | Julia Vincent

Connecticut's manufacturing industry is at a pivotal juncture as it faces both significant opportunities and formidable challenges in 2024. With a rich history of innovation and production, the [...]

Cybersecurity Resilience for Manufacturing: Beyond Compliance

Cybersecurity Resilience for Manufacturing: Beyond Compliance

August, 2024 | Alex Ceneviva

Introduction In 2024, manufacturing was ranked the top industry most targeted by cybercriminals for the third year in a row. A year before, that same sector even comprised more than 25% of security [...]

Cybersecurity in Manufacturing: Your Comprehensive CMMC 2.0 and 2.1 Review

Cybersecurity in Manufacturing: Your Comprehensive CMMC 2.0 and 2.1 Review

August, 2024 | Alex Ceneviva

It would appear that more often than not, hackers choose to go after the manufacturing industry, considering that in 2023 it had the highest share of cyberattacks among the leading industries around [...]

Cybersecurity in Manufacturing: Safeguarding Digital Assets

Cybersecurity in Manufacturing: Safeguarding Digital Assets

May, 2024 | Charles IT

In an era where manufacturing companies are increasingly reliant on technology, cybersecurity has become a cornerstone of operational resilience. With automation, IoT devices, and interconnected [...]

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We just like to start with “Hello.”